76 panorama of events report from thailand panorama of events 76活动了望台泰国报导佛光照耀清迈山乡
The price for a standard room is 388 yuan us 47 左寒音山乡村旅馆是其中最好的。标准间房价为388元。
At the end of the paper , some recommendations made to the tves in xiushan county are also provided 最后,对秀山乡镇企业的发展提出了建议。
As a tradition of the local miao ethnic group , the festival attracts myriads of people from the nearby villages 当地群众踊跃参加芦笙节活动,展现出一幅独具风情的苗寨山乡画卷。
Tin shui wai station is located between tin shui wai new town and the ping shan rural area , adjacent to tin yiu estate 天水围站天水围站位处天水围新市镇及屏山乡地区之间,毗邻天耀? 。
Ping shan heritage tail if you are interested in ancient monuments , ping shan heritage trail will be a great place for you 要欣赏中国传统建筑物,您可以到位于新界元朗屏山乡,参观长约一公里的屏山文物径。
Meishan means " plum mountain , " but in this sprawling rural township you ll also see tea , betel nut , jelly figs , and other cash crops 梅山乡座落嘉义县西北角处,境内地形万变,包含丘陵、浅山、深山,形成海拔高低落差一千多公尺的特殊文化景观。
On august 28th , the trainees went to haotaishan town , where pest occurrence was frequent and serious , to conduct field practice under the suggestions of the local agriculture bureau 8月28日,在当地农业局的建议下,学员们到病虫害发生比较严重的耗赖山乡做田间实习。