| 1. | This is who 's really who skilfully capsuled . 这是《名人实录》一书的小巧的节略版。 |
| 2. | The automobiles in the distance seem tiny and alive . 远处的汽车看去是那么小巧而玲珑。 |
| 3. | The peculiar little tan jacket with large mother-of-pearl buttons was all the rage that fall . 那件小巧的皮外套上,上面钉着螺钿的大钮扣,是那年秋天很时兴的服装。 |
| 4. | She was quite a child, perhaps seven or eight years old, slightly built, with a pale, small-featured face . 她完全是个小孩,七,八岁光景,身材纤细,脸色苍白,五官小巧。 |
| 5. | His hands were white and small, his frame was fragile, his voice was quiet and his manners were refined . 他长得单薄,一双手白皙而小巧,说起话来细声细气,一副文质彬彬的模样 |
| 6. | I was just wondering whether i should not do well to follow them when up the lane came a neat little landau . 我正在犹豫不决是否应该紧紧尾随的当儿,忽然地从小巷里来了一辆小巧雅致的四轮马车。 |
| 7. | Small package fits the limited space on your benchtop 小巧的体积可为您节省空间 |
| 8. | Sometimes they have chocolates on the pillow 有时他们会在旅馆枕头上放小巧克力 |
| 9. | Thank you . - this can ' t be little lyde surely not 谢谢-这不会是我小巧的莱得吧? |
| 10. | The construction is dainty , hardness and easy to install 小巧坚固易于安装的结构 |