| 1. | The park is on a hill overlooking the town ... 公园在俯瞰城市的小山上。 |
| 2. | Some hills loomed in the distance . 远处影影绰绰地有一些小山。 |
| 3. | There is a stretch of hills near the village . 在村子附近有一片连绵的小山。 |
| 4. | Several miles away, a hill emerged . 在几英里以外的地方,有一座小山映入眼帘。 |
| 5. | The darkness closed upon the hill . 暮色笼罩着小山。 |
| 6. | All the kids went up the hill with springy steps . 所有的小孩子都以轻快的步伐上了小山。 |
| 7. | The house stands on a rise . 这房子在一座小山上。 |
| 8. | It is between two hills . 它在两座小山之间。 |
| 9. | A cream-coloured courser had used to visit this hill . 这一个小山,从前有一个米色的考色鸟常来光顾。 |
| 10. | A little town will spring up on the hills around the meadow . 围着草地的小山上会兴起一个小小的城镇来。 |