honour the teacher and respect his teaching; honour teachers and esteem truth; respect one's teacher(s) and honour truth
Example Sentences:
88 . chinese culture has a fine tradition of respect for teachers 88 .尊师重道是中华文化的优秀传统。
We will observe the rules of courtesy , respect our superiors , and refrain from violence 我们要尊师重道,举止有礼,不可有耀武扬威之心。
A traning course in self - defense , self - control , self - confidence , speed , power , coordination , respect and patience 包括训练礼仪马步套拳护身术脚法体能训练自我控制增加自信心身体的灵活性速度锻?力量锻?及教导学生尊师重道。
Professor edward chen kwan - yiu today june 15 spoke at the inaugural lecture of the lecture series named in honour of him , established by his economic students from early 1970s 陈坤耀教授七十年代的学生,为表尊师重道,以他名义成立杰出学人讲座系列。陈教授今天六月十五日以
Jang seung - ub is a complex character . on the one hand , he is an alcoholic and loves to play woman ; on the other hand , he respects his arts and his teachers sincerely 张承业这个人的性格其实非常复杂,一方面,他爱美女和喝酒,处事狂放不羁;另外一方面,他对艺术非常执著,而且十分尊师重道。
Jang seung - ub is a complex character . on the one hand , he is an alcoholic and loves to play woman ; on the other hand , he respects his arts and his teachers sincerely 张承业这个人的性格其实非常复杂,一方面,他爱美女和喝酒,处事狂放不羁;另外一方面,他对艺术非常执著,而且十分尊师重道。