She pretended that she had got the rank in paris during her residence in that city . 她声称,她是在寓居巴黎的时候得到这头衔的。
A condominium , or " condo " for short , is an apartment that is owned by the occupant , not the building owners 个人购买的公寓套间为寓居者一切,而不是大楼的主人。
Most of his works were written when he gave lecture s in the east hubei at his old age 他的主要著作都是老年时期寓居并讲学鄂东期间完成的;他的思想特别是独特的教育思想,也是在这一时期充分展示出来的。
In the cortex of brain reside human cognitive abilities such as sophisticated reasoning , linguistic skills and musical ability 人类的认知能力,如复杂的推理、语言、音乐等能力,无不寓居于人类大脑的脑皮层上。
An apartment is usually one living space within a building . several apartment can be in the same building , with a shared yard , parking spaces , and garbage 公寓套房一般是大楼里的一个寓居空间。多少个套房能够都在同一座楼里,共有一个庭院、停车场地和放渣滓的地方。
Throughout his career , gormley has used his own body as an archetype , the starting point from which to explore the relationships between bodies and the contexts which they inhabit , primarily through the medium of sculpture 在其艺术生涯中,葛姆雷一直以自己的躯体作为原型,并以此为出发点探索躯体与其寓居的空间之间的关系。
But one of the most telling lessons ellen and i got in the difference between chinese and american ideas of education came not in the classroom but in the lobby of the jinling hotel where we stayed in nanjing 然而,我和埃伦获得的有关中美教育观念差异的最难忘的体验并非来自课堂,而是来自我们在南京期间寓居的金陵饭店的大堂。
The lingnan school has played an important role in the development of modern chinese painting . the artistic origins of the school can be traced back to the jiansu painters song guangbao and meng jinyi , who lived in guangdong during the middle of the qing dynasty , and their students ju chao and ju lian , also from guangdong , in the late qing 岭南画派的渊源可追溯至清代中期寓居广东的江苏画家宋光宝及孟觐乙以及隔山派的居巢居廉中心人物高剑父高奇峰及陈树人力倡新国画运动,他们引西润中的理论和实践,当时造成了巨大的回响。