The feast commemorates the quranicaccount ofgod allowing the patriarch abraham to sacrifice a sheepinstead ofhis son ismail 宰牲节是为了纪念古兰经记载的故事:真主允许先知易卜拉欣用一只羊代替自己的儿子伊斯玛依尔祭献给他。
On wednesday an iraqi boy , riding on his fathersshoulders , kisses the door of the kadhimiya shrine in baghdad asthey enterfor noon prayers on the last day of the four - day idal - adha , orfeast of sacrifice 本周三,是伊斯兰教为期4天的宰牲节的最后一天,一个伊拉克男孩与爸爸一起来到巴格达市内的卡基米亚圣殿做午祷,他骑在爸爸的肩膀上亲吻圣殿的门。