On the contrary , they become dominating , pleasure - seeking individuals 相反,她们变得好宰制追求享乐的个体。
Unfortunately , men have utilized muscle power to gain a dominating position over women 不幸,男性用力气获得宰制妇女的地位。
For many people , the jumbo ruled the skies , but time is now up for the early 747s 对很多人,巨无霸宰制了天空,但早期出厂的七四七大限已至。
This culture relegates women to the level of an inferior human being , fit to be dominated by men and children 但实际上这文化把妇女低贬为次等人,只适合被男性及孩子宰制。
Rodriguez , hideki matsui and robinson cano all homered and chien - ming wang was predictable , meaning he manhandled an opponent 松井、卡诺昨天都击出了全垒打,而建仔也一如预期地完全宰制对手。
Trade and investment policy were surrendered to a global institution dominated by giant corporate interests , the wto 贸易与投资政策向全球机构缴械,而这些国际机构却被大型法人利益(如wto )所宰制。
In realities , public interest should not have absolute priority to civil rights so it is necessary to establish policy negotiation , dialogue and remedial system 现实中的公共利益对于公养基本权利不应具有绝对的“宰制权” ,故而政策协商、对话和补救机制的建立理应成为题中之义。
As results , the development of medium - small city & town , which dominates urban developments of china , have to readjust their developmental strategies for adapting the wave of globalization 比较明显的是? ?原本宰制中国大陆城市发展的中小城镇建设,势必配合这股全球化的浪潮而有所调整。
In terms of technique , influenced by gender norms , most women - focused websites transform themselves into the pink areas , and thus reproduce the dominant ideologies 其次,从技术面来看,大多数的女性网站受到传统性别观念的影响,将网站建构成简单的粉(红)色领域,因而复制了宰制的意识型态。