津: Ⅰ名词1.(唾液) saliva 短语和例子生津止渴 help produce saliva and slake thirst2.(汗) sweat 短语和例子遍体生津 perspire all over3.(渡口) ferry crossing; ford 短语和例子津渡 a ferry crossing; 关津 key post; 问津 ask the way to t
宝: Ⅰ名词1.(珍贵物) treasure; treasured object 短语和例子国宝 national treasure; 献宝 present a treasure; 无价之宝 priceless treasure2.(一种赌具) gambling device 短语和例子压宝 stake3.(银钱货币) currency; coin; 通宝 ancient coi