I . baodai bridge is getting broken - down and deserted 问题一:宝带桥日渐破旧、冷落
Iv . the culture and tourism resource of baodai bridge is not well exploited 问题四:对宝带桥文化、旅游资源没有合理有效开发
Ii . made a good use of the used cans to make a model baodai bridge 行动二:利用废旧物制作了气势恢弘的宝带桥- - - 《飞扬的宝带》
Iii . made a written proposal on the protection to baodai bridge to all the residents in suzhou 行动三:向全市人民发出“人人保护宝带桥”的倡议书
Iii . the publicity about baodai bridge is not adequate . people fail to realize the importance to protect the ancient bridge 问题三:对宝带桥的宣传不够,群众对保护古桥的意识不够