| 1. | The hirer shall conduct acceptance inspection of the work product 定作人应当验收该工作成果。 |
| 2. | Any monitoring or inspection conducted by the hirer may not impair the normal work of the hiree 定作人不得因监督检验妨碍承揽人的正常工作。 |
| 3. | Article 263 time of payment of remuneration the hirer shall pay the remuneration at the prescribed time 第二百六十三条定作人应当按照约定的期限支付报酬。 |
| 4. | Where the hirer is to supply the materials , it shall supply the materials in accordance with the contract 第二百五十六条定作人提供材料的,定作人应当按照约定提供材料。 |
| 5. | Where performance of the hired work requires assistance by the hirer , it is obligated to provide assistance 第二百五十九条承揽工作需要定作人协助的,定作人有协助的义务。 |
| 6. | Where the hiree sustains any loss due to reasons such as the hirer ' s delay in responding , etc . , the hirer shall pay damages 因定作人怠于答复等原因造成承揽人损失的,应当赔偿损失。 |
| 7. | In the course of performing the hired work , the hiree shall consent to any necessary monitoring and inspection by the hirer 第二百六十条承揽人在工作期间,应当接受定作人必要的监督检验。 |
| 8. | Article 267 liability of joint hirees joint hirees are jointly and severally liable to the hirer , except otherwise agreed by the parties 第二百六十七条共同承揽人对定作人承担连带责任,但当事人另有约定的除外。 |
| 9. | The hiree may not replace the materials supplied by the hirer without authorization , and may not replace any component which does not require repair 承揽人不得擅自更换定作人提供的材料,不得更换不需要修理的零部件。 |
| 10. | The hirer may terminate the contract of hired work at any time , provided that it shall indemnify the hiree for its loss as a result , if any 第二百六十八条定作人可以随时解除承揽合同,造成承揽人损失的,应当赔偿损失。 |