| 1. | Ha - ha - ha ! laughed the old prince , and anatole laughed still louder 尼古拉安德烈伊奇公爵笑了起来。 |
| 2. | Well , had a good time ? said ilya andreivitch , smiling proudly and joyfully to his son 伊利亚安德烈伊奇说,他对儿子很高兴地骄傲地微笑。 |
| 3. | Count ilya andreitch sat down again in his place . handsome , isnt she ? he whispered to natasha 伊利亚安德烈伊奇伯爵又在原来的位子上坐下来。 |
| 4. | In another five days there followed the christening of the young prince , nikolay andreitch 又过了五日,他们给小公爵尼古拉安德烈伊奇举行洗礼仪式。 |
| 5. | Count ilya andreitch sat with a beaming smile in the big hall , praising their performances 伯爵伊利亚安德烈伊奇坐在大厅中笑逐颜开,赞美玩耍的人。 |
| 6. | The count , who knew every one in society , bent over and entered into conversation with her 认识上流社会中一切人的伊利亚安德烈伊奇把身子探过去和她谈话。 |
| 7. | Count ilya andreitch approved of this suggestion , and at once saw all the sound sense of it 伊利亚安德烈伊奇立即明了这个建议是合乎情理的,于是表示赞成。 |
| 8. | At the beginning of the winter prince nikolay andreitch bolkonsky and his daughter moved to moscow 冬之初,尼古拉安德烈伊奇博尔孔斯基偕同女儿来到莫斯科。 |
| 9. | Count ilya andreitch rostov arrived in moscow towards the end of january with natasha and sonya 一月底,伊利亚安德烈伊奇伯爵偕同娜塔莎索尼娅抵达莫斯科。 |
| 10. | Prince nikolay andreitch grew more animated , and began to express his views on the impending war 尼古拉安德烈伊奇更加兴奋起来,并且说出了他对当前的战争的见解。 |