| 1. | I fear the indians of cleveland . 我害怕克利夫兰的印地安人队。 |
| 2. | I admit that the rhodians did not wish to see us conquer the king of persia . 我承认洛迪安人不愿意看到我们战胜波斯王。 |
| 3. | The indians may respect her words, for they feel for people in her condition . 也许印地安人器重她说的话,因为他们尊敬象她这样的人。 |
| 4. | The original aryan gods were not expected to work miracles or control men's lives . 没有人指望雅利安人原来的神会显出什么神通奇迹,或者会支配人们的生活。 |
| 5. | Name one american indian tribe in the united states 举出美国的一个印地安人部族 |
| 6. | Was a crucial factor in our defeat of the cheyenne 是我们战胜夏安人的决定性因素 |
| 7. | The colonists bartered calico for indian land 殖民者以印花布交换印地安人的土地。 |
| 8. | I could never be friends with an ayorthian 我永远不会和阿伊洛斯安人做朋友的 |
| 9. | The theme of the party is cowboys and indians 派对的主题是牛仔和印地安人。 |
| 10. | A member of any of the indo - aryan peoples 印度雅利安人任何一支印度雅利安人种的成员 |