| 1. | Who 's paying for her schooling ? 谁在付她的学费? |
| 2. | Is her tuition expensive ? 她的学费是否很贵? |
| 3. | Terms , two dollars a week . 学费每周两元。 |
| 4. | Her school fees are 440 a term ; music and dancing are extras . 她的学费是每学期440;音乐和舞蹈除外。 |
| 5. | Her school fees are 440 a term ; music and dancing are extras . 他一学期440英镑学费,音乐和舞蹈课另外收费。 |
| 6. | I have my ticket and the money for my escape in my pocket . 我的火车票和学费钱已经在口袋里,我可以远走高飞了。 |
| 7. | The desire for personal development and growth can be satisfied by providing tuition refunds . 对于个人发展和成长的需要,可以用提供学费补助的办法来满足。 |
| 8. | There are plenty of loans and scholarships for the bright and eager who can't afford to pay . 对于聪明好学但又付不起学费的人来说,有很多借贷的方式和奖学金的种类。 |
| 9. | Norman, who years before had earned pocket money by delivering newspaper, now went to work to earn his tuition . 诺尔曼在多年前靠送报挣过零用钱,现在又去工作挣钱来缴学费。 |
| 10. | His costs of living and schooling, including the fees at yale, were paid impersonally through an athens law firm . 他生活和上学的费用,包括在耶鲁的学费,是通过雅典一家律师事物所支付的。 |