Thoreau usually remained alone unimpressed by the ideas or actions of others . 索洛孤傲自处,对他人的思想与行为毫无所动。
There is another form of wilful obscurity that masquerades as aristocratic exclusiveness . 还有一种故意造成的含糊其词,用以掩盖其贵族老爷式的孤傲态度。
Let me also leader has powerful feeling 也让我有了孤傲,不可一世的感觉!
Ballack is known as a nice man , a little distant from his teammates and the public , but very well mannered 巴拉克一贯是乖孩子,虽然不乏孤傲,但非常礼貌。
Wait a minute , let me talk to all my niggas at hand im a hit all of my niggas , ya ll just follow the plan 鸟啼的时血影溅红天边剑鞘随风飞心酸一如爰飞谷a不愿说孤傲的情话
You will be happy when you celebrate other people ' s good deeds without jealousy . you will enjoy harmony when you are amiable and not egocentric 以随喜代替忌妒,自然事事欢喜;以随和代替孤傲,自然处处祥和。
The judge ? eccentric , vain , some say incompetent ? had upset his colleagues on the bench , and had given populist rulings against the government 这位看起来乖张、孤傲,也有人形容为“无能”的法官,并不受同僚的欢迎,而且还多次违抗政府并做出利于平民的判决。
He meets new and demanding teachers , discovers true friendship , tastes the sweetness and bitterness of his puppy love , and comes to an understanding what true meaning music is 初到北京,小春遇上孤傲的老师,得到可贵的友情,更尝初恋的甜蜜与苦痛,最重要的是明白音乐的真正意义。
In him can be found a typical personality of aloofness from the world and arrogant reserve , which forms a striking contrast with genial , cultured and elegant confucian character , honest , sincere and thrifty 他批判了礼乐仁义对人性的束缚,形成了一种遗世独立、清高孤傲的性格典型,与儒家温文尔雅、敦厚中庸的性格风范形成了鲜明的对比。
This struggle puts him on a universal level . move through tragedy with mcgrady , and his smirking , aloof image vanishes . then a man who fears answering his phone after midnight appears 奋斗使他达到了世界级的高度,然而挥之不去形影不离的悲剧缠绕着麦迪。他那自鸣得意和孤傲的形象已然消失不见,取而代之的是一个对午夜的电话铃声充满恐惧的男人。