Chinese translation for "字样 "
[ zìyàng ] 1.(字体规范) model of written characters 2.(用在某处的词语或简短的句子) printed or written words (which succinctly inform, instruct, warn, etc.) 短语和例子 封面上有 “初稿”字样。 on the cover are the words “first draft” Related Translations:字样设计 : ma in typeface design
字样名称 : typeface nametypeless programming
可缩放字样 : scaleable typeface
惯用的字样 : conventional indication
简略的字样 : abridged indication
Example Sentences: 1. On the cover are the words " first draft " .. 封面上有“初稿”字样 。 2. The motive behind such words is austere rather than snobbish . 使用这些字样 的动机是庄严肃穆而非趋炎附势。 3. In the united states, you will also see the words "cocktail lounge" . 在美国,你还会见到“鸡尾酒座”的字样 。 4. If any copies are issued each copy shall be marked "non-negotiable copy" . 如签发任何副本,每份副本均应注明“不可转让副本”字样 。 5. Jasper has put up "no parking" signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect . 贾斯珀在大门外贴上了“禁止停车”的字样 ,但全无效果。 6. If a credit is opened without the word "irrevocable", it can be considered revocable . 凡证上未注明“不可撤消”字样 的,都被认为是可以撤消的信用证。 7. I suggest also that we use the expression "cairo three" instead of teheran, which should be buried . 另外,我建议我们使用“开罗三”这个词,而不用德黑兰字样 。这个地点决不透露。 8. In front of them was a wall marked " 50 " 在他们面前是一堵标有“ 50 ”字样 的墙。 9. Please write here “ identical with the original ” 请您在此签上“与原件一样”字样 。 10. Now write here “ identical with the original ” 魏:请您在此签上与“原件一样”字样 。
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