| 1. | Her wedding veil took on a life of its own and rebelled , 她的婚纱险些要了她的命 |
| 2. | Stifler let ' s get this dress shit overwith 让我们赶快把这狗屁婚纱的事给办好。 |
| 3. | Michelle wants a dress that she can ' t get 米歇尔有件很想要的婚纱,但她找不到。 |
| 4. | I rushed to the dressing room and slipped it on 我立刻冲进试衣间换上那件婚纱。 |
| 5. | Now , her mother ' s wedding dress fit like a glove 她穿上母亲的婚纱,如手套般合身 |
| 6. | Will we be as beautiful walking down the aisle 我们穿婚纱的时候会那样漂亮吗? |
| 7. | Traditionally a bride wears a white wedding gown 传统上,新娘要穿白色的婚纱。 |
| 8. | Our day ' s complete and what a beautiful bridal suite *白天结束了* *多美的婚纱* |
| 9. | I ' ll buy her a silk dress with pearls sewn on it 我要给她买件镶有珍珠的真丝婚纱 |
| 10. | We need to rent tuxedos , gloves and wedding gowns 我们需要租燕尾服 手套和婚纱。 |