[ hǎoshìduōmó ] 1.(好事情常遇波折) the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks.; good things are a long time in coming.; the realization of good things is usually preceded by rough goings. 2.(真挚爱情常经历曲折) the course of true love never did run smooth.; love's course se
Example Sentences:
The course of true love never did run smooth . 好事多磨。
The course of true love never did run smooth 真爱无坦途,好事多磨。
It ' s a long story . - hey , congratulations 好事多磨啊-嘿,恭喜
“ all good things come to those who wait , ” goes a popular american saying 美国有一句流行语叫“好事多磨” 。
Do not take medicine at random , the proposal goes to normal hospital consulting an expert ! the road to happiness full of hardships , cannot act too hastily 不要胡乱吃药,建议去正规医院咨询专家!好事多磨,不能操之过急!
Finally , he agreed to let his dog follow a vegetarian diet on a trial basis , and more than one month later , the dog was completely healed 我深知好事多磨,故用更多的爱心耐心与恒心,一而再再而三地,终于说服了狗主人以素食喂其狗。
Martin cunningham frequently said he would work a pass through egan but some deuced hitch or other eternally cropped up with the net result that the scheme fell through 马丁坎宁翰常说他要拜托伊根给布卢姆弄张免费船票,然而每一次总是好事多磨,泡了汤。
Too bad , when she was so happy . but as they say , " life often brings misfortune at the time of great happiness . " it ' s simply fate . you can ' t help it 她还沉浸在新婚喜悦中的时候,不幸就降临了。就像那句话说的“好事多磨” 。这就是命啊,人是没办法控制得了的。
B : too bad , when she was so happy . but as they say , " life often brings misfortune at the time of great happiness . " it ' s simply fate . you can ' t help it 她还沉浸在新婚喜悦中的时候,不幸就降临了。就像那句话说的“好事多磨” 。这就是命啊,人是没办法控制得了的。
Now instead of later : once upon a time , americans understood the principle of deferred gratification . we put a little of each paycheck away " for a rainy day " 不要将来,只求现在:从前,美国人明白“好事多磨”的道理。我们从每次的收入里拿出一小部分,以备不时之需。