[ fèngxíng ] pursue (a policy, etc.) 短语和例子 奉行不结盟政策 pursue a policy of nonalignment; 奉行和平共处五项原则 pursue [carry out] the five principles for peaceful coexistence; 这是我们一贯奉行政策。 this is a policy we have pursued consistently. 对日本人民我们一贯奉行友好政策。 we have always pursued a friendly policy towards the japanese people
He pursued an active ecclesiastical policy . 他奉行积极的教会方针。
This is a policy we have pursued consistently . 这是我们一贯奉行政策。
The kingdom pursued a very forward policy . 这个王国奉行一种好出风头的政策。
The two countries followed very divergent pricing policies . 这两个国家奉行了非常不同的价格政策。
I could not make subservience an automatic part of my behavior . 我不能把阿谀奉承化为我自动奉行的处世之道。
It was the policy of our ancestors to search out even the most secret sins, and expose them to shame . 我们的祖先奉行这样一种方针:哪怕是最隐秘的罪恶也要查它个水落石出。
When totalitarianism was on the rise and the entire international order was being challenged, we clung to our isolation . 当极权主义兴起,整个国际秩序受到挑战的时候,我们仍然奉行孤立主义。
Still committed to the strategy of the previous decade, he essentially wanted to know the answer to the following two questions . 他依旧坚持十几年来所奉行的战略,主要想得到对以下两个问题的答案。