A full - sized bronze statue is erected in the garden 的全身铜像及“天下为公”四个大字。
A public spirit will rule all under the sky when the great way prevails 大道行之也,天下为公。
Mutual confidence is promoted and good neighborliness cultivated 大道之行也,天下为公选贤与能讲信修睦。
The 1 year construction duration of this magnificent monument even marks the record . the site occupies 18129 square metres , and the hall itself take 13583 square metres . the hall is based on imperial style , and the roof is covered by green glazed glass tiles 楼之正前方广场,矗立一座伟岸挺拔的牌楼,正面镌刻国父墨迹天下为公,背面为大道之行,运笔遒逸洒脱,衬以大门前苍松翠柏及石狮,自然形成一片肃穆宁静气氛。
The orientation of extensive ethic , " ho & ho " values , the integrity of man and nature , the doctrine of human equality , the idea of great harmony and universal fraternity , etc . in chinese traditional strategic culture , all these provide the world some precious values and reasonable methods of thinking about international relations 在这方面,中国战略文化传统为我们提供了丰富的资源,泛道德主义取向、和合思维、 “天人合一”的整体宇宙观、 “天下为公”的大同思想以及诚信博爱是中国战略文化传统的核心。