| 1. | Marks for survey plans , large scale maps and plans 大比例尺地图和平面图的测量平面图用标记 |
| 2. | Specifications for computer - aided mapping of large - scale topographic maps 大比例尺地形图机助制图规范 |
| 3. | Large scale topographical mapping 大比例尺测图 |
| 4. | Framework design and implementation of model - oriented cartographic generalization 面向模型的大比例尺制图综合框架设计与实现 |
| 5. | Large scale soil map 大比例尺土壤图 |
| 6. | Large scale survey 大比例尺测量 |
| 7. | Large scale maps 大比例尺地圆 |
| 8. | Discussion about the method of using construction surveying data to update city vector topographic map 技术在测绘大比例尺地形图的应用探讨 |
| 9. | Big - scale geological mapping of mine field is one of the absolutely necessary works in minerals prospecting 矿产勘查中,大比例尺的矿区地质填图是必须开展的地质工作之一。 |
| 10. | Large scale charts are intended to be used for entering harbors or anchorages or for passing close to navigational hazards 大比例尺海图供驶入港口,锚地或近距离通过航海危险物时使用。 |