have tremendous courage and wisdom; be exceptionally brave and resourceful
Example Sentences:
If his experiences then had been carefully recorded , it would undoubtedly have made a suspenseful and moving book . 若是把他所经历的事实记录下来,那就是一部充满着大智大勇,惊心动魄的小说。
Castro in safeguarding national independence , the courage shown courage and won the admiration of people all over the world 卡斯特罗在维护民族独立、不畏强暴方面表现出的大智大勇,赢得了世界各国人民的钦佩。
In the long and tortuous course of numerical - system expansion , it contains innumerable experiences and lessons , and condenses with tremendous human courage and wisdom 摘要数系扩张这一漫长而曲折的历程中,既蕴含着无数的经验教训,又凝结着人类的大智大勇。
In an ancient temple we encounter a little boy . through practicing zen buddhism and kungfu , our little monk eventually grows and finally reaches the sacred goal of enlightenment 故事发生在山上一座古老的寺院内。一个小和尚从懵懂无知的童年,通过练武、习禅,最终走入大智大勇的人生境界。
After being taken into the temple the young novice monk called chun yi the pure one has many temptations to overcome , but through hard work and over time he conquers and finally reaches his sacred goal of enlightenment 故事发生在山上一座古老的寺院内。一个小和尚从懵懂无知的童年,通过练武习禅,最终走入大智大勇大彻大悟的人生境界。