| 1. | Single trip from jose house bay to north point only 单程只适用于由大庙湾往北角 |
| 2. | Single trip from joss house bay to north point only 单程只适用于由大庙湾前往北角 |
| 3. | Sai wan ho - tung lung island via joss house bay 西湾河东岛经大庙湾 |
| 4. | North point - joss house bay special ferry service time table 北角-大庙湾特别渡轮服务航班时间表 |
| 5. | Commencing joss house bay service 开办天后诞西贡大庙湾渡轮服务 |
| 6. | 10 , 000 people ride on first ferry to joss house bay 10 , 000人乘坐新渡轮前往西贡大庙湾祈求身体健康 |
| 7. | And we ' re all weeping in this big temple 我们在大庙里哭泣。 |
| 8. | Single - trip ticket is only available for sale at joss house bay 17 . 5单程船票只限于西贡大庙湾发售。 |
| 9. | Single - trip ticket is only available for sale at joss house bay pier 单程船票只限于西贡大庙湾发售。 |
| 10. | Rock inscription at joss house bay tei tong tsui , joss house bay , sai kung 大庙湾刻石(西贡大庙湾地堂咀) |