[ yèlángzìdà ] ludicrous conceit of the king of yelang -- parochial arrogance; as cheeky as yelang, who thinks himself the equal of the son of heaven; be self-assertive; be sheer parochial arrogance; every dog's alien at home.; get too big for one's boots; get [become] too proud of onesself; ignorant presumption [boastfulness]; pass oneself off as an important person; play the great man; think no small beer of oneself; yelang people think their country is bigger than china -- ignorant boastfulness
Example Sentences:
Keep it, in any case, familiar, facetious even, rather than pedantic and portentous . 无论如何,要使它显得很随便,甚至滑稽可笑,而不要显得很迂腐,夜郎自大。
He was handsome and unattractive, a swashbuckling, beefy, conceited man who was putting on fat . 他样子挺英俊,可就是不讨人喜欢;长得结实粗壮,身子已经开始发胖,这个人夜郎自大,欺软怕硬。
A cock is valiant on his own dunghill 公鸡在其粪堆上称雄。 (夜郎自大。 )
Otherwise , the only result must be that one lose the vitality and be washed out from the market 如果夜郎自大,坐井观天,或是固步自封,抱残守缺,就会丧失生命力,被淘汰出局。
1 indeed , until the bubble burst and the public turned nasty at the start of the decade , the cult of the celebrity chief executive seemed to demand bossly narcissism , as evidence that a firm was being led by an all - conquering hero 事实上,直到泡沫破灭,本世纪初公众开始对此厌倦,公司行政领导热似乎需要夜郎自大,似乎整个公司都由无所不能的英雄所领导。
Vera , judging from her husband only , and generalising from her observation of him , supposed that all men ascribed common - sense to none but themselves , and at the same time had no understanding for anything , and were conceited and egoistic 而薇拉在评论丈夫时,却把她的观点加以推广,以为所有的男人都认为自己明智,但他们一窍不通,都是夜郎自大,而且自私自利。