| 1. | I was simply dazzled by all these flowers . 这么多花我都看迷糊了。 |
| 2. | Never mind about the expense ! 花多花少请你别在意。 |
| 3. | You could with profit spend some extra time studying the text . 你多花点时间学习课文是有好处的。 |
| 4. | Let's splurge . 咱们多花些钱吧! |
| 5. | Managers are constantly being told to spend more time planning and delegating . 管理者经常被告知应在计划工作和授权方面多花些时间。 |
| 6. | There will always be those who will want to take an extra month or two to do further research on the shape of the roof on a new car . 总是有人想多花一两个月去进一步研究新车车顶的形状。 |
| 7. | Consequently, most of the work was rushed and botched and slobbered over in about half the time that it would have taken to do it properly . 结果,大多数工作就匆匆忙忙、马马虎虎地赶完了事。这些工作如果规规矩矩地做就得多花上一倍的时间。 |
| 8. | Well , then why don ' tyou spend more time at home 但你为什么不多花些时间照顾家里 |
| 9. | I ' m gonna spend more time with my wife and daughter 我要多花点时间陪老婆孩子 |
| 10. | Why don " t you ? " why not ? " you " d better . " do you think 为什么不在书上多花些钱 |