[ wàiqī ] relatives of a king or emperor on the side of his mother or wife
Example Sentences:
But it hasn ' t been paid enough attention to for a quite long time 西汉一朝最能体现外戚豪门内涵的是早期的吕氏、中期的霍氏、晚期的王氏三大家族。
The clan of the consorts and the literati and officialdom fought bitterly against the practice and took relevant counter measures 外戚、士大夫针对宦官把持的这所监狱采取了争夺与反制措施。
We think the emperors ' female - side relatives ' power - monopolizing was opposed by " women ' s commandments " , and it was created for woman of palace noble 我们认为《女诫》是为反对外戚专权,专为宫廷贵族妇女而作的。