| 1. | Our treatment of horizontal flow parallels the treatment we followed for vertical flow . 我们对水平流动问题的处理方式,与对垂直流动遵循的方式是同样的。 |
| 2. | This approach provides an invaluable tool in investigating whether or not a given initial deformation is stable . 这种处理方式提供了一种不可估价的工具,来考察所给的初始形变是不是稳定的。 |
| 3. | Discussion about various treatments of teenager pregnancy 少女妊娠处理方式探讨 |
| 4. | That treatment has three important consequences 这种处理方式带来了三种结果: |
| 5. | Web users welcome this kind of flexibility Web用户欢迎这种灵活的处理方式。 |
| 6. | Report execution settings determine which outcome occurs 处理方式由报表执行设置决定。 |
| 7. | Treatment of married couple under personal assessment 已婚人士选择个人入息课税的处理方式 |
| 8. | Standard packing style for forklift handling 以更方便的大量处理方式 |
| 9. | Data stream ' s manipulation in the network 数据流在网络中的处理方式 |
| 10. | The same applies to the object which is my one weakness 对于我唯一害怕的东西,处理方式亦同。 |