Chinese translation for "声望 "
[ shēngwàng ] popularity; reputation; renown; prestige 短语和例子 贬低 ... 的声望 cheapen the reputation of...; 享有相当高的声望 enjoy considerable popularity; 赫赫声望 enormous popularity; 这本小说在美国读者中赢得广泛的声望。 the story had an extensive popularity among american readers. 他是一位有声望的科学家。 he is a scientist of high prestige Related Translations:职业声望 : job statusoccupational prestige
赫赫声望 : enormous popularity
抬高声望 : boost one's prestige
声望经营 : reputation management
提高声望 : lift one’s popularity to
声望价值 : prestige valueprestigevalue
Example Sentences: 1. I can't fire him because he's too popular . 因为他声望 太高了,我无法解雇他。 2. His prestige, high before, went higher still . 他原来已有很高的声望 ,现在就更高了。 3. We're british and american citizens in good standing . 我们是有着良好声望 的英美公民。 4. She has a high reputation in france as premier of britain . 她这个英国首相在法国声望 很高。 5. The name of marshal petain is something to conjure with here . 贝当元帅之声望 ,在此具有相当魔力。 6. He is well thought of . 他的声望 很高。 7. The story had an extensive popularity among american readers . 这本小说在美国读者中赢得广泛的声望 。 8. His stock is high . 他的声望 很高。 9. From comparative neglect, his reputation has soared to the heights . 从前人们对他不大注意,现在声望 陡升。 10. He was some fifty years of age, and his popularity was at its height . 他年纪五十上下,声望 也达到了顶点。
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