The positions and measurements of the various parts of the design may be enlarged or reduced to the scale of the squared ink line sketch 图案各部分之地位、尺寸,可根据方格墨线图之比例,放大或缩小。
The positions and measurements of the various parts of the design may be enlarged or reduced to the scale of the squared ink line sketch 三、图案各部分之地位、尺寸,可根据方格墨线图之比例,放大或缩小。
There is an evident plastic - constructive order , a mental project arranging the surface even as the brush - stroke creates multicoloured whirlpools which make it swell it as if it were breathing , detaching the coloured area from the plane on which it lies . shapes , in chan s painting , are identified and caught right at the moment of their germination ; they merge together but are not yet closed , codified 尤其西方抽象艺术与东方书法精神的关联素来密切,当西方对东方从皮相的认识,进入本质的掌握,以至消融与再造,使其艺术发展出丰硕的成果后,我们更应反转过来探究陈国强的抽象画在乾笔、破笔,及墨线交织的表现上如何继承中国传统书法挥洒的力度与节奏。