| 1. | The university of melbourne 墨尔本大学 |
| 2. | University of melbourne un 墨尔本大学 |
| 3. | University of melbourne 墨尔本大学 |
| 4. | Mr . larsen holds a bachelor of arts with honours ( first class ) from the university of melbourne 拉森先生拥有墨尔本大学文学士(一等)荣誉学位。 |
| 5. | In 2002 , his orchestral work was awarded with 3mbs reading australian national composer award 同年,伍氏更获取奖学金于墨尔本大学继续修读硕士学位课程,主修作曲。 |
| 6. | During ng ' s years in melbourne , he was active in various musical fields and genres as a composer , conductor and performer 伍氏随后前往墨尔本大学修读学士学位课程,并以一级荣誉之佳绩毕业。 |
| 7. | Liec signed first agreement with the university of melbourne , the top world20 , making liec the only um representative to date in northeast china 派全球排名前20位的澳大利亚墨尔本大学签署合作协议,成为该校在东北唯一正式代理。 |
| 8. | The study , conducted by a research team from the university of new south wales and the university of melbourne , found people do not shed fat simply because they smoke 新南威尔士大学和墨尔本大学的联合研究小组调查发现,人并不会仅仅因为吸烟而减肥。 |
| 9. | Punting is an traditional and beautiful group game . it has many fans around the world . here was the university of melbourne against the university of sydney 赛艇是一项古老而优雅的集体项目,在世界上深得男女老少喜爱。这里我们看到的是墨尔本大学和悉尼大学之间的比赛。 |
| 10. | G raduate d f rom london film school and later earning a codtorate in cinema studies at university of melbourne , his dissertation studies the works of director peter weir 现职澳洲天主教电影办事处总监,伦敦电影学院毕业,并于墨尔本大学取得博士学位,博士论文研究导演彼得威尔。 |