[ mùdào ] 1.(墓外甬道) path leading to a grave; tomb passage 2.(墓内甬道) aisle leading to the coffin chamber of an ancient tomb
Example Sentences:
In the north of the road there is “ martyr liuying ' s commemorating booth ” 墓道北侧建有“刘英烈士纪念亭” 。
Walk along the path leading to the grave and cross a small stone bridge to find the cemetery of revolutionary martyrs 经过宽敞的墓道,踏上小石桥,便是烈士陵园。
Although many discoveries have been made in emperor qin shihuang ' s mausoleum archaeology , wether the westward mausoleum passage under the pyramid - shaped mound does exist or not , and the function of the underground drainage ditch is still unknown 摘要秦始皇陵考古研究已取得大量成果,但对是否存在西墓道、阻排水渠位置及阻水效果等问题还不清楚。
Black figures are seen scattered over the long white avenues ; the silence of earth and heaven is alone broken by the noise made by the crackling branches of hedges planted around the monuments ; then follows the melancholy chant of the priests , mingled now and then with a sob of anguish , escaping from some woman concealed behind a mass of flowers 黑压压的人群分散地站在白色的墓道上,天地间一片寂静,只有那围绕墓碑的篱笆竹偶尔的折断声打破寂静,然后神父用抑郁而单调的声调诵经,其中还不时杂着一声女人发出来的啜泣声。
Using remote sensing technology , this study explored the distribution of cultural treasures around the qin shihuang ' s mausoleum , interpreted the aerial hyperspectral remote sensing images and aerial panchromatic remote sensing images , extracted the cultural relic information , and discovered the high thermal anomalies of the pyramid - shaped mound and the westward mausoleum passage under the pyramid - shaped mound , and validated the function of the underground drainage ditch 应用现代遥感技术在秦始皇陵区对文物遗存进行探测,对航空全色遥感图像和航空高光谱遥感图像进行数据处理、解释,提取文物遗存信息,发现了封土堆热异常,证实了阻排水渠的存在及其阻水效果,确认了西墓道的存在。