| 1. | Recall that type i supernova is the strong explosion of a nova that even the white dwarf is destroyed 还记得i型超新星是足以令中心白矮星炸毁的新星爆发吗? |
| 2. | The negative pressure causes the acceleration of the universe , as observed from the type ia supernova observations 负压强令宇宙膨胀不断加速,就有如从观测ia型超新星所得出的结论一样。 |
| 3. | In contrast , a type i supernova is an ordinary nova explosion that are strong enough to destroy the white dwarf at the center Ii型超新星i型超新星其实只是强度足以把中心白矮星炸毁的普通新星爆发。 |
| 4. | When studying type ia supernovae , astronomers found that not only they have similar light curve , they also have the same peak luminosity 在研究ia型超新星type ia supernovae时,天文学家发现它们不单在光度变化上非常相似,而且在最光亮时的亮度也极为一致。 |
| 5. | Cepheid variables are dimmer than the type i supernova . as a result , the supernova allows us to measure the distances of galaxies further away , but it happens much less often I型超新星比造父变星光亮,所以能够量度更遥远星系的距离,唯一缺点是不经常有i型超新星爆发。 |
| 6. | All these have narrowed the divergence of views over the age of the universe . besides the freeman - led team , sandage used ia supernova as a yardstick for measuring distance and deduced that h 除了费利曼这个小组的工作外,桑德奇利用ia型超新星爆炸作为计算距离的方法,测出h |
| 7. | The initial evidence for acceleration came from the study of type ia supernova explosions , which in all cases reach a uniform or at least easily calibrated intrinsic luminosity 支持宇宙正在加速膨胀的第一个证据来自对ia型超新星的研究。这种超新星在爆发时,最终都会达致相同或至少容易校准的固有光度。 |
| 8. | Astronomers painstakingly scan galaxies in the universe for type ia supernovae . if such supernovae are luckily found , the peak luminosities can be measured and hence the distances of the host galaxies from the earth can be determined 利用太空望远镜和其它先进的观测仪器,天文学家努力地在宇宙空间中搜索出现ia型超新星的星系,只要量度这些超新星的最大亮度,便可更准确地推算出星系跟地球间的距离。 |
| 9. | It was through this method that a group of american astronomers worked out in 1998 the distance of some extremely remote galaxies . if we compare the distanced of these galaxies deduced from type ia supernovae with those from hubble s law , it will provide extremely valuable information for astronomers to verify the big bang theory 一九九八年,一群美国天文学家便是透过观测ia型超新星来推算出一些极遥远星系的距离,再对照这些星系光谱中的红移程度,给我们的宇宙膨胀理论提供了全新的资料。 |