This is very propitious to transferring the abstract understanding of the governing capacity to the party ' s actual action 弄清这个问题,有利于把党的执政能力建设从抽象的坐而论道,转化为全党的具体行动。
5 . practice : distinguished from knowledge ' s impartation , innovative learning needs practice and activity rather than pure theory 实践性:创新性学习不同于学科知识传授,不能只是坐而论道,要实践,要活动。
These problems and recommendations about using data binding are not things i sat around and made up ; they represent lots of e - mail from readers and posters who have asked about these very things 这些关于数据绑定使用的问题和建议不是我坐而论道空想出来的,而是结合了很多读者和留言者在邮件中提出的问题。