[ zuòjǐngguāntiān ] sit in a well and look at the heaven--limited outlook; look at the sky from the bottom of a well; look at the world through the window (all one's life); narrow-mindedness; restricted experience; see the sky from the bottom of a well; sit at the bottom of a well to see the skies; take a narrow view of things
Example Sentences:
Instead of just sitting around watching it , 而不是坐井观天的人
Instead of just sitting around watching it , 而不是坐井观天的人
That can build the city state and lift us from our frog bottom 能够建立城邦,使我们脱离坐井观天的境地
That can build the city state and lift us from our frog bottom 能够建立城邦,使我们脱离坐井观天的境地
Otherwise , the only result must be that one lose the vitality and be washed out from the market 如果夜郎自大,坐井观天,或是固步自封,抱残守缺,就会丧失生命力,被淘汰出局。
The idiom " look at the sky from the bottom of a well " ( or : the frog at the bottom of the well ) , means to have a narrow view of the world , to have only superficial knowledge of something , or to be short - sighted 后来人们根据这个这个故事,引申出“坐井观天” (或“井底之蛙” )这句成语,比喻眼界狭小,所见有限而盲目自大的人。
As a famous region of rivers and lakes , shaoxing city has always been celebrated for its scenic beauty . the long towpath which cleaves the water in two , the east lake on which one can go boating and enjoy the marvellous spectacle of " looking at the sky from the bottom of a well " , keyan s rock called cloud - bone which towers aloft in a wide expanse of flat land , . . . all these will make you indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty 绍兴素以秀丽旖旎的水乡风光著称于世,那将水面劈为两半的长长织塘路,那可以泛舟领略“坐井观天”奇趣的东湖石壁,那一马平川上拔地而起的柯严“云骨” , ,足以让你乐而忘返,美不胜收,大有“人在镜中,舟行画里”之感,引起寻幽探胜的浓厚兴趣。