坍陷系数: coefficient of collapsibility, δscoefficient of sttlement
Example Sentences:
The rocks were folded by collapsing into the center of the trough . 岩石由于坍陷进入凹槽的中心而发生褶皱。
The first locomotive that tried to cross the lake fell through the ice and plunged to the bottom . 当年试行通过的第一辆机车,就因为湖冰坍陷沉入湖底。
The stars of the galaxy must revolve about its center if the galaxy is not to gradually collapse . 如果星系不致于逐渐坍陷的话,星系中的恒星必须绕其中心旋转。
They had repaired it completely , and stopped up with vast masses of stone the hole dant 靠海的那条走廊,早已有坍陷的危险,近来又重新加固起来。
Efforts to reach six utah coal miners trapped more than 1500 feet underground will take at least three days , that ' s according to one of the mines owners , who says rescuers aren ' t sure the men survived in the cave - in 发生坍陷事件煤矿的一位矿主表示,拯救6名困于1500英尺下矿工的工作人员最少还需要三天时间才能到达矿工们被困之处,并且不能确定被困矿工能否生还。
This article introduced the method of geological investigation of nanling tunnel karst disease , elaborated the tunnel engineering geology conditions , especially the karst water , the karst water power channel and the harm of karst water , and analyzed the cause that produced the karst disease 摘要南岭隧道岩溶地下水活动造成地表坍陷、洞内泥砂淤塞等病害,其原因在于隧道施工遗留的导洞长期疏排岩溶水,采用地质测绘、物探、钻探、水文地质试验等综合勘察方法,查明地下水通道位置、地下水流速、流向,针对病害原因,提出拦截、封团、疏排、填充等综合整治方案。