The stable fund is a unitised balanced fund of the scheme which is designed to provide relatively stable medium to long term growth 稳健基金是本计划的一个单位化的均衡基金,旨在提供较为稳定的中期至长期增长。
The growth fund is a unitised balanced fund of the scheme that is designed to provide medium to long term capital growth for members who hold a longer term investment view and who are prepared to accept fluctuations in the value of their investments in order to achieve long term returns 增长基金是本计划的一个单位化的均衡基金。如果成员放眼于长线的投资,又愿意承担投资价值出现波动的风险以达至长期回报,则增长基金的设计正好切合他们的要求,能为他们提供中长期资本收益增长。