Improving the location precise of the local seismic network 提高地方地震台网地震速报水平初探
Some ideas on the earthquake speed report of tianjin seismic station network 关于天津台网地震速报的几点思考
Model for fast assessment of earthquake damage and losses considering uncertainty of epicenters obtained from rapid determination of earthquake location 地震速报参数不确定性的应急灾害损失快速评估模型
We have summarized the experience for earthquake quick report of xichang telemetry seismic network . we present some thinking to improve error of source parameters in earthquake quick report 摘要总结了多年来西昌遥测地震台网在地震速报处理的技术经验,针对地方遥测台网在地震速报中经常出现的地震参数误差问题提出了改进思路。