local tyrants and evil gentry; local despots and bad gentry; despotic landlords
Related Translations:
土豪劣绅的狗腿子为虎作伥欺压百姓: the local bully's henchmen were his agents in oppressing the people
土豪劣绅的小姐少奶奶的牙床上: they even loll for a mi nute or two on the ivory-inlaid beds
Example Sentences:
The local bully 's henchmen were his agents in oppressing the people . 土豪劣绅的狗腿子为虎作伥,欺压百姓。
“ down with local tyrants and evil gentry - - - - what type of working attitude is it 中学生: "打倒土豪劣绅你这什么工作态度?
First , the local tyrants , evil gentry and lawless landlords have themselves driven the peasants to this 第一,上述那些事,都是土豪劣绅、不法地主自己逼出来的。
The local tyrants , evil gentry and lawless landlords have been deprived of all right to speak , and none of them dares even mutter dissent 土豪劣绅,不法地主,则完全被剥夺了发言权,没有人敢说半个不字。
The most violent revolts and the most serious disorders have invariably occurred in places where the local tyrants , evil gentry and lawless landlords perpetrated the worst outrages 凡是反抗最力、乱子闹得最大的地方,都是土豪劣绅、不法地主为恶最甚的地方。
Good appearance ! here are some clews : it ' s mostly owned by the local officers , but probably not warlords because they don ' t need it given by their underlings 品像挺好!提供点线索:多半是收藏地点当地政要土豪劣绅之类,军阀可能性较小,他们本身就有指挥刀,不需要下级赠送