| 1. | Fighting against international terrorism should comply with international norms 打击国际恐怖主义应坚持国际法准则 |
| 2. | All nations should follow the purposes and principles for safeguarding international peace and security contained in the charter of the united nations and other relevant international legal norms 各国应遵守《联合国宪章》维护国际和平与安全的宗旨和原则,以及有关的国际法准则。 |
| 3. | As an important content and basic rule in the development of our law , the law of national amends should be in line with the principles of the rule of law , the spirit of constitution and the rule of international law 《国家赔偿法》作为我国现代社会法治进程的一项重要内容和基本制度,必须符合法治原则、宪法精神及国际法准则。 |
| 4. | All such actions should be consistent with the purposes and principles of the un charter and other universally recognized norms of international law and should serve the long - term interests of peace in the region and the world at large 一切行动应符合《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则及其他公认的国际法准则,有利于维护地区及世界和平的长远利益。 |
| 5. | But we ca n ' t injure others in order to protect owner interest , and damage other countries in order to save oneself national benefits , we need comply with recognit ion international law rules to buck for own legal benefits 但是,不能为了自己的利益去损害别人的利益,为了自己国家的利益去损害别的国家的利益,我们只能遵守公认的国际法准则去谋求正当的利益。 |
| 6. | Any such practice of interfering in china ' s internal affairs has not only deviated from the basic principle set up in the field of population by the international community , but it has also violated the established principles of international law , which will neither help promote a healthy development of china ' s family planning programme nor the stability of the world ' s population 任何此类干涉中国内政的做法,既背离了国际社会在人口领域确立的基本原则,又违背了公认的国际法准则,都是无益于中国计划生育事业的健康发展和世界人口的稳定的。 |
| 7. | While adhering to the principle of suiting military legislation to its national and military conditions , china also lays stress on bringing it into line with the international military - related treaties and agreements that china has acceded to , so as to make china ' s military laws consistent in content with international legal norms and practices 中国军事立法在坚持符合本国国情、军情的同时,还注重与中国在国际军事领域已经加入的条约、协定相衔接,使军事法的内容与国际法准则和惯例相一致。 |
| 8. | U . s . strategic policy change has not only exacerbated the turmoil in the world , a threat to world peace , while its right to national self - defense theory , the treaty ' s extension and abuse , serious distortion of the " united nations charter , " which related to the right to national self - defense as the meaning , constitute the norms of international law on the huge impact and challenges 美国这一战略方针的改变,不仅加剧了世界的动荡,威胁到了世界和平,同时其对国家自卫权理论、条约的引申和滥用,严重曲解了《联合国宪章》中国家自卫权相关内容的含义,构成了对国际法准则的巨大冲击和挑战。 |