About the students in guo zi jian during the qing dynasty 漫谈清代的国子监生
Quo zi jian education in the li dynasty of vietnam 越南黎朝时期的国子监教育
A study of personages of the imperial college in middle and early period of north song 北宋初中期国子监书学人物考
Koxinga , oringal name is cheng fu - sun , born in chanchou in 1624 . he mastered in ancient poetry 他原是儒生,曾在国子监肄业,受业于大学者钱谦益门下,能诗尤长五言古体。
From the discussion on the educational development of quo zi jian in the li dynasty , we can see the diffusion and development of chinese educational system and confucianism abroad 从对黎朝国子监教育发展的探讨,我们可以窥见中国教育制度和儒学在域外的传播与发展。
At about 5 yesterday morning , in guozijian street , dongcheng district , a beam was broken off an archway on the west side of the imperial college by a construction excavator trying to drive past 昨日凌晨5时许,东城区国子监街,国子监西侧一牌楼被试图驶过的施工挖土车撞断横梁。
The structure of this thesis is built on the basic theories on historic district and the development of these theories , including the theory of integrated conservation , the theory of small - scale redevelopment and renovation , the " micro - circulation " theory , and the " guozijian " model , is discussed briefly at the first part 文章从历史街区的基本理论着手,在此基础上简要的回顾了历史街区保护理论的历史发展过程,如“整体保护”理论、 “小规模改造”理论、 “微循环”理论等,以及在实践中总结出的“国子监模式”等。
There were two main roles of the imperial college of tang dynasty in the sino - foreign cultural and educational export : to enroll and cultivate overseas students by spreading confucianism and its culture , induding a whole set of rules derived from confucianism and knowledge related to calligraphy , mathmatics , music and literatare ; and to participate in important national foreign activities to spread and export confucianism by means of deferring confucius 摘要唐代国子监在当时对外文化教育方面的作用主要体现在两个方面:第一,招收和培养留学生,主要承担着儒家思想和文化的传播与输出工作,包括在儒家思想和文化之下衍生出来的一整套完整的制度,以及有关书法、数学、音乐、文字学等方面的具体知识;第二,参与主持国家重大的外事活动,通过对圣贤的景仰传播与输出以儒家礼仪制度为代表的儒家文化和思想。