Another moment of tension descends while students await the domestic flight that will take them to their temporary home in america . from then on it ' s everyone forhimself 学生们在等待美国国内班机把他们带到在美国的临时家庭时,越发感到紧张。从那时起一切都得靠自己了。
Another moment of tension descends while students await the domestic flight that will take them to their temporary home in america . from then on it ' s everyone for himself 学生们在等待美国国内班机把他们带到在美国的临时家庭时又紧张了一阵。从那以后,每个人都得自己照料自己了。
Iraq resumed domestic flights through western - imposed no - fly zones sunday in its latest bid to bust out of a western - imposed straitjacket of post - gulf war sanctions 拉克周日将行经西方国家强制设下的禁航区上空之国内班机复航。西方国家于波斯湾战争后曾对伊拉克实施多项制裁,这次复航是伊拉克挣脱制裁束缚的一次最新行动。