[ gùbùzìfēng ] continue walking in the old steps and seclude oneself; be a standpatter and be proud of it; be self-satisfied with being a stick-in-the-mud; rest complacently on one's laurels; remain where one is, without desire to advance further; rest content with old practice; stick to the beaten track; limit one's own progress; stand still and refuse to make progress; unwilling to move forward
Now at the end of 1829, most medical practice was still strutting or shambling along the old paths . 现在到了1829年底,大部分医疗工作仍在老路上趑趄不前,固步自封。
Facing the proud achievement , we are not plan to stop our steps 面对着骄人的战绩,金塑人并没有固步自封。
But we cannot stand still 不过,我们不能固步自封。
While he can admire and respect other people , he is not totally defined , bound , or awed by them 他能够赞赏和尊敬其他人,但又不会对那些人敬畏到固步自封。
It is improper to underestimate our capabilities or refuse to make any progress in historic and cultural issues 在历史文化问题上妄自菲薄或者固步自封,都是错误的。
Otherwise , the only result must be that one lose the vitality and be washed out from the market 如果夜郎自大,坐井观天,或是固步自封,抱残守缺,就会丧失生命力,被淘汰出局。
For engagement to work , we must be willing to take action to protect our interests - and we have 英国邮政总局固步自封的总工程师在国会某委员会作证,被问及电话是否应受到重视时说,不必。
" stand still and refuse to make progress of work behind closed doors , the enterprise is doomed to destruction " “固步自封,不思进取,或闭门造车,企业结局将是灭亡” 。时刻以此话来鞭策自己奋进,不断开创新。
Because we are deeply convinced of a continuous need for icac staff members to constantly upgrade themselves and to grow with changing times 廉署重视与外地的联系,因为我们深切了解到我们一定不可固步自封,需与时并进。