Modes of coupled oscillations insidefour - body systems on a ring and a chain 环形和线形四体系统的耦合振动模式
Nulli - tetra compensation 缺体四体补偿现象
Chen hongshou , with the sobriquet mansheng , was well - versed in poetry , the classics and the four basic calligraphic scripts , especially clerical script 他擅长古文诗词,书法行、草、篆、隶四体皆精,隶书结体奇崛,笔法劲爽。
Chen hongshou is also a well respected calligrapher and a painter . in writing he is skillful in the four basic calligraphic scripts , especially clerical and running script . in painting he has fame in painting flowers in the boneless style 书画家陈鸿寿兼擅古文诗词,书法行、草、篆、隶四体皆精,隶书结体奇崛,笔法劲爽;绘画多作没骨花卉,笔墨酣畅,生趣盎然。