| 1. | In a case of hypomagnesaemia in a cow there is no physical lesion . 一例低镁血症病牛并无器质性损害。 |
| 2. | The differentiation between functional disturbances and physical lesions is often extremely difficult . 机能紊乱与器质性损害之间的区别常是非常困难的。 |
| 3. | Other or unspecified nonorganic sleep disorders 其他或待分类非器质性睡眠障碍 |
| 4. | Other or unspecified nonorganic eating disorder 其他或待分类非器质性进食障碍 |
| 5. | Organic mental disorders due to other diseases , or unspecified 其他或待分类器质性精神 |
| 6. | The doctor said there was nothing organically wrong with me 医生说我没有器质性的毛病。 |
| 7. | Organic consciousness disorders e . g , delirium 器质性意识障碍如谵妄 |
| 8. | Organic intellectual deficiency dementia 器质性智能损害痴呆 |
| 9. | The illness is organic in origin 该病起初是器质性疾患 |
| 10. | Organic neurosis - like syndrome 器质性神经症样综合征 |