| 1. | Public opinion has at last become vocal . 舆论终于喧嚷起来了。 |
| 2. | The railway station was a scene of hustle and bustle . 火车站是拥挤喧嚷之所。 |
| 3. | He was soon lost in the noisy and slowly moving crowd, busy with interminable bargainings . 不久,他在喧嚷,慢慢移动而又忙于讨价还价的人群当中消失了。 |
| 4. | We squeezed through the narrow, chattering, jam-packed bar to the entrance of the big room . 狭窄的酒吧里喧喧嚷嚷,挤得满满的。我们挤过人堆,来到大厅入口处。 |
| 5. | The words were lost in the hubbub and i was thrown back by the sudden surge of bodies . 在那乱糟糟的喧嚷声中,我的话没人听见,而我却被涌上来的人们推到后面去了。 |
| 6. | When the first tumult of joy was over, she began to declare that it was what she had expected all the while . 这样欢天喜地地喧嚷了一阵以后,她便当众宣布,说这件事她早就料到的。 |
| 7. | Bucklay's voice boomed in bigger's ear and he knew what the loud commotion meant when the speech had ended . 勃克利的声音在别格的耳朵里轰鸣,他知道讲话结束后的那阵喧嚷意味着什么。 |
| 8. | Kirby had attended a physicists' convention where chilling news had started as a whisper and swelled to an uproar . 柯比参加了一个物理学家会议,在会上传开了一个使人寒心的消息,起初只是悄悄的耳语,到后来增涨至一片喧嚷声。 |
| 9. | When the heat and stridency of the party burst upon us through the open door, i began to regret that i had not been more firm in refusing this once . 当晚会的热烈气氛和喧嚷声通过打开的门直冲我们而来的时候,我开始后悔这次没有坚决拒绝。 |
| 10. | The railway station was a scene of hustle and bustle 火车站是个拥挤喧嚷的场所。 |