Anna was glad to think of being mistress of her own place . 安娜一想到自己将成为自己家的女主人,也不由得喜上眉梢。
It will bring a smile to irish eyes in particular " 该裁定将特别令爱尔兰人喜上眉梢。
I got the fries that ' ll cross your eyes 我有炸薯条,美得让你喜上眉梢
Presently jeff thatcher hove in sight , and tom s face lighted ; he gazed a moment , and then turned sorrowfully away 这时,杰夫撒切尔跃入眼帘,汤姆喜上眉梢,他盯着看了一会,然后失望地转过身去。
Later , when he took his own initiative and helped some chinese newcomers with taiji , we were all glad to see him taking it so seriously 后来他又主动帮助新来的华人学拳术,看他那股认真劲,大家更是喜上眉梢。
For our graduates here today , it is time to celebrate the successful completion of a landmark stage in their lives . for the local citizens at large , they have every reason to rejoice in their having been able to overcome years of hardships of the economic depression and witness the rejuvenation of the different sectors , all thanks to their own resilience and the unfailing support measures from our motherland 应届毕业同学成功完成了人生一个主要学习阶段,自然喜上眉梢;广大市民以高度的应变力和不屈不挠的精神,配合祖国强而有力的措施,终于走出了经济不景气带来的困境,目睹各行各业重现生机,当然也喜不自胜。