I could have asked them to jump through the window . 无论我要求他们做什么事,他们都会唯命是听的。
Why the young rancher, irascible, obstinate, belligerent, should invariably defer to the poet, was an inconsistency never to be explained . 这位年轻的农庄主人,脾气急躁,生性固执,动不动喜欢吵架,竟然会始终对这诗人唯命是听,真是一个无从解释的矛盾。
At such council meetings the magistrate is influenced by the views of the public organizations and invariably does their bidding 在这样的会议里,各民众团体的意见影响县长,县长总是唯命是听。
" to bow to china and follow their every wish is unnecessary . to challenge china in an openly confrontational posture is equally unnecessary 凡事向中国屈从,唯命是听,实无其必要,同样地,亦无必要以抗衡的姿态公开向中国挑战。