The machines rattled, the work was mechanical . 机器咯噔咯噔地响着,工作性质是很机械的。
President bush and british prime minister gordon brown agree fighting terrorism is a top priority 布什总统和英国首相咯噔?不懒一致认为,打击恐怖主义是首当其冲的问题。
Quicker . the wheels rattled rolling over the cobbled causeway and the crazy glasses shook rattling in the doorframes . - what way is he taking us 车轮在卵石铺成的公路上咯噔咯噔地向前滚动,像是发了疯似的玻璃在车门框里咔嗒咔嗒地震颤着。
The carriage , passing the open drains and mounds of rippedup roadway before the tenement houses , lurched round the corner and , swerving back to the tramtrack , rolled on noisily with chattering wheels 马车正沿着一排公寓房子驰去,房前的路面上挖出一条条明沟,沟旁是一溜儿土堆。在拐角处车身蓦地歪了歪,又折回到电车轨道上了,车轮喧闹地咯噔咯噔向前滚动。