| 1. | 61 - 1 junghe village , tsochen rural township , tainan county 台南县左镇乡荣和村61 - 1号 |
| 2. | 83 - 1 , junghe village , tsochen rural township , tainan county 台南县左镇乡荣和村83 - 1号 |
| 3. | 61 - 11 junghe village , tsochen rural township , tainan county 台南县左镇乡荣和村61 - 11号 |
| 4. | We all know how important teachers are to society . i hope her dream will come true 在所有入学率提高的学校中,提高最多的是教学点和村小。 |
| 5. | Administrative districts : the marshall islands are divided for administrative purposes into municipalities and villages 行政区划:马绍尔群岛为便于管理,分为市和村。 |
| 6. | Family , the association of old men , the village ' s committee and the residents " committee are the main social organizations 家庭和老人协会两个民间的传统组织,居委和村委两个官方的行政组织,是福利镇社区的主要聚合方式。 |
| 7. | Fast road before being open to traffic is lu tsao , i - zhu etc . led to the downtown of chiayi of main route , intersected the nan he village 东西快速道路通车前是鹿草、义竹等乡镇通往嘉义市区的要道,横贯南和村,可通往鹿草、朴子、义竹、布袋及台南县盐水、学甲等乡镇。 |
| 8. | Villagers committees and village economic collectives shall promote and help agro - technical popularization service organizations and peasant technical personnel of the villages to carry out their work 村民委员会和村集体经济组织,应当推动、帮助村农业技术推广服务组织和农民技术人员开展工作。 |
| 9. | Village chiefs and village elders in hindsight that this is extremely angry , address him in the village unfortunately , the brothers decided to direct and fastest way to identify the perpetrators 村长和村中长老得知这件事后,极为气愤,直呼是村中的不幸,决定由自己人以最快且直接的方式找出凶手。 |
| 10. | The station covers wujih township , shanhe village and jungchuan village and the borders are the same as the borders of the special project , except that the district is bordered to the west by national highway no . 1 本车站地区范围涵盖乌日乡三和村及荣泉村,其计画区界线侧东侧南侧与王田交流道特定区之北侧东侧南侧计画范围界线相同,西侧至中山高速公路为界。 |