[ hūtiānchuǎngdì ] (形容极端悲痛) lament to heaven and knock one's head on earth; cry bitterly and loudly in excessive grief; utter cries of anguish
Example Sentences:
In a world where everyone is howling for attention , it helps if your home region has a recognisable brand 当世界上所有的人都在呼天抢地以博取关注的时候,如果你的家乡拥有大家耳熟能详的标志的话那将十分有利。
Take care of my cat is a very genuine depiction of the relationship and life of five young women . it does not have any blatant twist , nor does it have any tear - jerking tragic element 它没有出人意表的转折,也没有呼天抢地的悲剧,一切都来得十分写实和真切,编导以真诚富同情心的态度去处理五个少女的成长故事,令人看得舒服。
Is a very genuine depiction of the relationship and life of five young women . it does not have any blatant twist , nor does it have any tear - jerking tragic element . the director simply handles the five characters in a sincere and sympathetic way 它没有出人意表的转折,也没有呼天抢地的悲剧,一切都来得十分写实和真切,编导以真诚富同情心的态度去处理五个少女的成长故事,令人看得舒服。
Is a very genuine depiction of the relationship and life of five young women . it does not have any blatant twist , nor does it have any tear - jerking tragic element . the director simply handles the five characters in a sincere and sympathetic way 它没有出人意表的转折,也没有呼天抢地的悲剧,一切都来得十分写实和真切,编导以真诚富同情心的态度去处理五个少女的成长故事,令人看得舒服。
No matter you are a man or a woman , love bases on your personal sense and intention to choose the individual with same feeling to be together . . . yuet faye wong and himm leon lai fall in love with each other and the love lasts for one and a half year , then they say goodbye with each other peacefully , without any crying and argue . . 爱情一切只能凭个人喜好和直觉去选择拥有相同感觉的人自然会走在一起,小月王菲饰和谦黎明饰相爱,维持了一段一年半的爱情,然后分手了,没有呼天抢地的哭声,也没有你死我活的对骂声,就只是这样,平淡地过去了
And when they got there they bent over and looked in the coffin , and took one sight , and then they bust out a - crying so you could a heard them to orleans , most ; and then they put their arms around each other s necks , and hung their chins over each other s shoulders ; and then for three minutes , or maybe four , i never see two men leak the way they done 他们一走近,就低下头来,朝棺材里望,只望了一眼,便呼天抢地大哭起来,那哭声哪怕你在奥尔良也能听到。接下来,他们把手臂勾着彼此的脖子,把下巴靠在彼此的肩膀上,有三分钟之久,也许还是四分钟呢。眼泪象撒尿一般地流淌,这样的洋洋大观,我过去可从没有见识过。
No matter you are a man or a woman , love bases on your personal sense and intention to choose the individual with same feeling to be together . . . yuet faye wong and himm leon lai fall in love with each other and the love lasts for one and a half year , then they say goodbye with each other peacefully , without any crying and arguement . . 爱情一切只能凭个人喜好和直觉去选择拥有相同感觉的人自然会走在一起,小月王菲饰和谦黎明饰相爱,维持了一段一年半的爱情,然后分手了,没有呼天抢地的哭声,也没有你死我活的对骂声,就只是这样,平淡地过去了