Clinical observation on results of yupingfeng powder prescription for treatment of urticaria 玉屏风散加味方治疗慢性荨麻疹的临床观察
Observation on curative effects of modified zhenwutang decoction for additional use on 78 cases of congestive heart failure 加用真武汤加味方治疗充血性心力衰竭疗效观察
Clinical observation on 30 children with fever caused by exogenous insults pathogenic factor treated with chaigejiawei grnules 中药颗粒剂柴葛加味方治疗小儿外感发热30例临床观察
The effect of quot; two - reinforcing and one - unblocking quot; acupuncture on mg2 - atpase in an experimental rat model of senile acute myocardial ischemia 心痛宁加味方对实验性急性心肌缺血大鼠心肌梗塞范围的影响